Sunday, October 25, 2020


In grief, we miss our loved ones. And rightfully so, they were and still are an important part of our lives.
Part of my journey has been reflecting on those memories. Sometimes, they bring me joy, sometimes they bring me to tears. The tears come because I would like to have more current memories, and I realize this side of heaven, I will need to live with the memories I do have. Here on my blog, I have shared memories of my son and husband, and I will continue to share them. If you would like to read them, the links are listed below:

As important as it is to reflect on those past memories, my daughter has often said, "let's start some new memories." We have been doing our best to make sure that we start new memories as well. For the third year now, we have had our very own "October Fest." We share a meal of chili, cornbread, salad, and apple crisp. This year, we added a crafting portion to our event and decorated pumpkins with sharpie markers. This was fun, and we laughed through the process. Here is a photo of our completed pumpkins:

How do you feel about the memories you have of your loved one? Have you started any new memories? Feel free to comment below, or you are always welcome to contact me. My contact form is on the sidebar of this blog.

Thank you for visiting my small, humble blog.
With love,

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