Sunday, November 3, 2019

Comfort In Grief Blog Series #3

I would like to continue to share thoughts on finding comfort in grief.  My previous posts on finding comfort in grief are here, and here post
Today I would like to share another thought of finding comfort in grief. You may have some fond memories of your loved one. Take time to reflect on those memories.  Be sure to write them down in a journal so the memories can be remembered, because as much as you think you will remember, it's so easy to forget.
Along with this, how about creating some new memories? My second daughter talks about this often. So, we are making sure to do precisely that. We had a mother-daughter weekend in September. The photo to the left was taken during that weekend. We shared great conversation, delicious meals, yes, there were some tears which is ok and lots of laughter.
Another new memory we celebrated in October was our very own "Octoberfest" at my apartment. During our Octoberfest, we shared a meal, conversation, played some games, and watched movies. The weather was a sunny, bright 65-degree day in Minnesota. We also made sure to take some photos as a way to remember our day. This was the sky as we ended our evening. Simply gorgeous.

How about you? Do you have fond memories of your loved one? Feel free to share in the comments below. Have you created any new memories? I would enjoy hearing from you.
I will continue to share my thoughts on finding comfort in grief in future posts.
Thank you for visiting my small, humble blog.
With love,

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